Well it doesn't seem like it was 4 days since I posted last but I guess I was out of it or something. Anyways there is not a whole lot to report on. I filled in for someone at work on Friday so I didn't have a real break from it this week. Golf finished up this week as well so now I will either have more free time on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or I'll make an effort to stick with it and get back out there and continue the routine. Not sure yet. I will be able to work out more now probably. So there are 3 weeks left in the semester and before I head to New Mexico for a little family reunion/vacation. I'm looking forward to it, but then again, I've grown so attached to Rexburg that it will be hard to leave it for a bit. I know that sounds way lame.
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.