Thursday, July 16, 2009


Here's the update finally. Lots of pics and a video or two. Kim and I were in California for 2 weeks visiting her family and house sitting for her parents the week they went up to girls camp with Kim's younger sister. It was so hot down there! It takes me back to my mission days biking around down there. Anyway, first off we went to the San Diego zoo a couple days before the 4th of July. It's huge and way awesome. Here come the pics!

Kim loves otters, so I'll start with one!

The tigers were kinda hiding but I caught this one.

The hippo was awesome, he came right up to the glass. He's huge!


We took the Skyfari across the zoo and went right over the the gorillas.
Everyone loves the meerkats, they are actually smaller than I thought in real life.

The California Condors can have a wingspan of 10ft!
A kapibara

This lynx was kinda irritated so I took a video.

Black Panther

Snow Tiger


The elephants were pretty sweet.
The polar bear was huge and we watched him for a while.

I had a lot more photos, but these were some of my favorites. For the 4th, Kim invited some friends to a little bbq at her parent's house and for some fireworks. She made a lot of fun little snacks and I think she posted em on her own blog. We didn't go to any big fireworks show but her dad had gone and bought a ton of fountains and other things for us to set off.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Quick Update

It's been pretty crazy lately with traveling to California so I haven't really sat down to blog what's been going on. I have lots of pictures/video to post of...well a ton of stuff. So Hopefully within next day or so I'll sit down and sort it all out.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Take me out to the...rain delay!

So my Dad got some tickets to go see the Albuquerque Isotopes (minor league baseball). The big deal about this game is that Manny Ramirez, pro baseball player for the LA Dodgers was playing for the Isotopes for a few games before he comes out of his suspension from the Majors due to steroid use. Just as we get to the ballpark it starts to rain and does so on and off for a while before the game starts. An announcement comes over the loud speaker saying that the Dodgers pulled Manny from the game because of the weather conditions. So after a lot of boos and jeering from the crowd, the game finally got started. We only stayed a couple innings because it started to rain more, but it was still fun to go to my first real ball game in a while. Because Manny didn't play everyone can trade in their ticket stubs for any other game this season, so hopefully we'll have a chance to go again later this summer. Here are some pics. First couple are just of the tarp covering the field.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm so exhausted and tired!

Well early this morning I got up and went golfing with dad and one of his doctor friends from work. We went to a pretty nice little course in Santa Fe. It was alot of fun and I did ok. I just really need to work on my putting the most probably. Anyways, that took alot out of me and was pretty tired by the time we got back home. Then we decided to go swimming at the local pool at the park pretty close to dad's house. It had been a long time since I went swimming so it was a lot of fun. Here's a pic.

With all the sun exposure I had today my face is pretty darn red. I did use sunblock but I guess going in and out of the pool a couple times didn't help. So I'm pretty tired...and of course here I am, up late on the computer. Well, just wanted to get this in....and tomorrow should be a pretty fun day too!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today's picture

So today we went to see 'The Soloist' at the cheap theater here. It was good, but I was expecting more from the previews that I had seen. Kim thought that some of the parts could have been directed better. But it was worth the $4. After that we went and walked around Target a bit just to pass some time so I snapped a pic of us with my phone. You can tell Kim just loves when I take pictures of her. LoL.

Gotta get up early for golfing with dad tomorrow. Kim hates it when I'm gone too long, she said we will never live close to a golf course or something to that effect. We'll see honey!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A little revamping and back into the swing of blogging

Well obviously it has been a loooong time since I posted anything. I still like to blog and I guess I just went through a stretch where I didn't feel like it. But with all the free time I have, I decided to get back to it. The picture at the top is just something I through together for now and i'm sure Kim will want me to remove it anyway, so it might not stay there long. My music no longer automatically starts playing, I know that is annoying to some people. I put new songs on my list too which are ones i've recently been enjoying.

My new endeavor is to take a picture-a-day and post it. So i'll start now! This is Kim hiding under the covers. I thought it was cute and it really makes her eyes stick out! Love you hun!

Keep your eyes peeled for more frequent updates (let's really hope!)!!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

...and 2 months later.

Well, I have not had a lot to blog about the past couple months. Kim and I haven't been real active. We just like being together, and that just might be boring to the rest of you lol. But now that Kim drove home to give her sister her car, I'm alone for almost a week. I was most worried about her driving alone the whole way, and after I knew she got there safe I was good. It's been boring though. I've just been watching movies and TV alot, and yes video games (duh).
Kim left me a nice big cleaning/chore list to do while she's away. I think I'll take care of yeah. I'll get to it lol. I'll probably be helping someone move out of their apartment tomorrow. they offered free pizza! Then Sunday i'll be singing in the ward choir for easter. Monday i'll be hanging out with our friend Mark since his wife will be outa town too. He also served in my misson. He's also our home teacher so it's nice.

I miss Kim alot though. We haven't been away from eachother more than like...a few hours since we were I think it's true. We do spend every moment together! So this is a real bummer, can't wait till she gets back. Time goes slow...real slow. It seems like she is really enjoying herself at "home" though so i'm glad she could go. We text and talk online though so it's bearable lol.

Anyways...I think I'm gonna take a shower and maybe go out to get some food, and some special easter shopping so Kim and I can have our belated easter together when she gets back next week ^.^

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back at it.

I decided I should get back to posting, it has been a while. Married life is just too much fun to blog lol. Anyway, there are things going on I can post about I guess.

Kim and I are for sure going to be working in Yellowstone park this summer at Flagg ranch. We've sent in all our paperwork and deposit and just need to show up there on May 18th..or 19th I forget. It's only a 2-3 hr drive to where we are going so it's not bad. Also, we just bought plane tickets yesterday to head back east to my hometown for a week in the beginning of March. I have not been there for over a year. It will be great to show Kim around where I grew up and catch up with old friends. Mom said she will hold an open house for us so that should be fun. It will also get us out of our apartment for a while since we don't do much currently anyway.

As far as school, I've emailed them 3 times trying to find out my status on whether or not I am able to change my major. I haven't heard back yet and that's one of the reasons I deferred this semester. I couldn't register for classes without it being changed. I just wish I could get it over with.

"It's probably not a good idea to be chewing on a toothpick if you're talking to the president, because what if he tells a funny joke and you laugh so hard you spit the toothpick out and it hits him in the face or something."

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's been a ride!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a looong time. Once the holidays rolled around there was no stopping the madness! Well anyway, of course I'm married now! January 3rd was definitely the best day of my life. The sealing was amazing and it's the best feeling to be with Kim forever. It's been 13 days now and I learn to love her more everyday. We got back to Idaho only a few days ago and moved into our little apartment. It's the coolest feeling to have a place of our own now with all the moving around we've done in the past month or so. I hate driving! We've been back and forth from So-Cal a lot. I'm ready to settle down for a while. Anyway we've got mostly moved in and organized. There are a few things we need to get for the apartment still. It's amazing all the things we have to think about now that we are married. It is a bit overwelming but it's totally worth it. I'll try to update more now that we are settled in.

"If you're a horse, and someone gets on you, and falls off, and then gets right back on you, I think you should buck him off right away. "